But I really want to benefit from its advantages. Why does art have advantages?
People can relate more effectively to complex or simple ideas much more readily when presented with colorful illustrations. And the more technical the subject matter, the more likely color and the less precise edges of drawing and shapes will have a positive impact on the communications objective.
I’ve written about Paper (by FiftyThree) in the past but nothing in-depth. But despite the lack of coverage, I’m starting to develop a keen sense of how Paper can be used in business.
Aside from the usual suspects – diagraming for client edification, capturing fleeting ideas, and just doodling for fun which may lead to business benefit – Paper has a horizon of really important opportunities to help you communicate more effectively. Because of it’s nature (i.e., a certain roughness and impreciseness) it has the ability to really attract eyeballs.
But I’ve noticed something far more powerful than attention – it’s a desire to understand that which is represented by colorful blobs and soft edges. For some weird reason, even the most technical content presented in Paper becomes the centerpiece of study by those who absorb the imagery.
I can’t explain the remarkable impact that something so low tech can achieve even when immersed in seriously high-tech topic matter. There’s something about this style of communication that fires synaps in the brain. Clients want to draw and sketch right along with you when they encounter this canvas.
To me, this has become a business canvas; a gateway to unique and innovative presentations.
How to Create Innovative Technical Illustrations with iPad
Paper, like iPad, is magical.
Pick up a copy of my 8 page paper on Paper. You’ll see how I use it with Reflector app and mylar. Yes, I said mylar. ;-)